
About us

Maarjakodu is a home for people with intellectual disabilities in Pärnu, Estonia. There are eight special people in our home who need guidance and care round the clock. In addition, we provide self-development and hobby activities for disabled people who live with their families.

Maarjakodu is a non-profit organization founded in 2000 by family members of disabled people. Maarjakodu operates in a cozy residential building with a big garden. The house was bought by the organization in 2009. Maarjakodu residents are assisted by a trained worker whose support and guidance enables them to live independently of their family. However, the majority of our residents have maintained active relationships with their relatives.

Twice a month, the parish congregation diacon Rando Lillepa visits our home and conducts conversations about Christian values. Various craft, art and music workshops are held weekly in our house. As our house is small, all activities take place in the living room. The space we have is not sufficient for our activities.

Our dream 

We dream about a small activity house built in our garden. We are planning different craft rooms in the activity house. People with disabilities of the city of Pärnu will also benefit from this activity house, in addition to our own residents. As the construction design of the activity house is still underway, we do not know the total cost of the building yet.

Maarjakodu lacks financial resources and we are looking for a charitable organization or a sponsor who would help us realize our dream.